Sunday's & Business

Website Pro Tips

January 15, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS, This week featuring Gershy Roth from Redsyte with 3 easy to implement Website Tips

Dead-end websites

Even if you don't have a proper website set up, make sure it's not dead (e.g "Site unsecure", blank, or dummy content). Use that space to acquire leads and show you're a real company with a coming soon page, email signup, and/or contact form that are easy to set up and will make all the difference.

Domain-based email

If you're a professional company, you CAN NOT have a @gmail email address. If you own your domain, it is extremely straightforward to set up an, and this small change will make a huge impression on your brand.

Mobile Optimization

Over 50% of website users will view your site on mobile, so it needs to be in top form. Mobile-optimized websites mean a better layout suited for mobile and often some. design features may only be on mobile or removed for mobile as needed.