Sunday's & Business

The Making Of An Effective Consultant

November 26, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS. This week features Chaim Landau Principal Cloud Delivery Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), with three easy-to-implement tips on The Making Of An Effective Consultant.

Earning Trust.

Trust is a crucial step in a consulting relationship since it enables your impact. It is gained through active listening and the avoidance of impulsive solutions. In your initial meetings, allocate time for the Voice of the Customer, giving your customers an opportunity to present their challenges without focusing on solutions.

Working backwards.

Whether you're working on a two-day task or launching a significant project, you must define a business goal to work backward from, one that extends beyond the immediate task. If you're tasked with building a three-tier architecture, explore the "Whys" until you understand the root business goals behind your customer's request.

Measure success based on impact.

If your customer hired you to develop a system to reduce costs, successfully building the system without achieving cost reduction is not considered a success. Exercise ownership by taking a Bias for Action on tasks that no one seems to own, and do not hide behind your Statement of Work.

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

Stay tuned for more exciting guests featured on SUNDAYS & BUSINESS and their expert advice on various professions and industries.

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Have a successful week ahead!