Sunday's & Business

SEO and Digital Marketing

July 2, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS, This week features Eli Schwartz author of Product-Led SEO with 3 easy to implement tips on SEO and Digital Marketing.

Know who your customer is and where they come from.

There's no sense in building out a marketing effort for one channel if your best customers come from a completely different channel. Invest in maximizing the channels that perform.

Digital marketing should be strategic, not tactical.

Your company's marketing shouldn't just be a list of tactics and things to do. Rather, it should be part of a strategy that aligns with all other product, business, and sales efforts. Each marketing effort should be partnered with other marketing efforts to drive more sales.

Measure effectively.

Digital marketing should be measured as precisely as possible so you know how and where to invest. Even if you can't have perfect insights into your buyers' journey, you should at least have indications as to what works. Don't just spend and market because you can.

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

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Have a successful week ahead!