Team Management

Meeting Effectiveness: Foundations of Respect

Shalom Orlian
June 22, 2023
minute read

We've all experienced the frustration of endless meetings that tend to consume our work hours without producing meaningful outcomes. While some meetings are necessary, many end up being a waste of time. In this post, we will explore how ineffective meetings can be indicative of a larger cultural problem.

A professor shared the following story with me. He was approached by a colleague asking to find time to meet with a few other people for an hour. When he asked what the purpose of the meeting was, he was able to explain his stance in just a few minutes.

Imagine! Four of his colleagues were about to waste an entire hour on a matter that was solved in minutes. That's five hours total that could have been wasted. How often does that happen to you on a daily basis?

Consequences of Ineffective Meetings.

Ineffective meetings not only waste valuable time and resources but also breed a culture of resentment and disrespect. When employees constantly find themselves in unproductive meetings, it sends a clear message that their time is not valued. In response, employees may start thinking, "If my manager and leaders don't respect my time, there is no reason I should respect theirs."

This detrimental atmosphere can harm morale, collaboration, and overall employee productivity.

Driving Change.

A few years ago, we ran a project addressing this issue. We launched a campaign designed to enhance meeting effectiveness. Employees were encouraged to be selective about whom they invite to meetings, asked to prepare participants in advance regarding the purpose and goal of the meeting, and urged to stick to the scheduled meeting times.

As a result of this campaign, we received strong feedback from employees that they had more time to get their work done and felt that each meeting was productive and successful.

Larger Impact.

One participant shared their feedback, highlighting the positive changes that occurred as a result of the campaign:

"Not only did meeting times decrease, but our manager also succeeded in improving respect among team members. Meetings are now purposeful and no longer waste people's time and energy. She shows respect for other people's time. Participants arrived prepared and engaged, making meaningful contributions that were previously not present in meetings."

Practical Strategies to Enhance Meeting Effectiveness.

1) Establish a Clear Meeting Purpose.

Define the purpose of the meeting beforehand. Is it for information sharing, decision-making, or brainstorming? Share the goal or purpose of the meeting with participants in advance, enabling them to come prepared and knowing what to expect.

2) Respect Others' Time.

As the meeting leader or facilitator, start and end the meeting on time. Keep participants focused on the goal, ensuring discussions remain relevant and productive. If your team is constantly running from meeting to meeting, end the meeting a few minutes early to allow time for a quick break.

3) Provide Clear Follow-up Instructions:

Take a moment at the end of each meeting to summarize the next steps. Is there a decision that still needs to be made? Communicate that to the participants. Are there specific tasks that certain individuals need to follow up on? Ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and deadlines.


Inefficient meetings not only drain productivity and resources but can also breed a culture of disrespect. By implementing these simple, yet impactful strategies, you can transform not only the effectiveness of your meetings but also your entire work culture. Let's strive for meetings that empower individuals, drive results, and that demonstrate respect for all.

>HR insights from Shalom Orlian from Strategy HR.


Shalom holds a Master's in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and has extensive experience working in HR at global companies leading talent, leadership, and culture initiatives.  He is the co-founder and principal consultant for Strategy HR Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in talent development, company culture, and strategic HR management. His expertise and passion for creating positive change makes him a trusted advisor to business leaders in optimizing employee engagement and organizational performance.