Sunday's & Business

How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn

December 3, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS. This week features Esther Adamson Founder and COO at Summit Group, with three easy-to-implement tips on How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn.

Be the expert.

They say content is king, and they're not wrong! Posting valuable content on LinkedIn daily is a simple way to show potential customers you're an expert. Mix up the posts - Long and thoughtful, short and concise, fun and friendly!

Grow your network daily.

Connecting with potential clients is essential because:

1) Connections will see your valuable content.

2) You can easily message connections and offer your services.

Tip: Use the LinkedIn Search tool with advanced filters to find people in your target market.

Use an effective messaging strategy.

Cold pitching works! Here are a few tips:

  • Only message your target market
  • Keep it short and be clear on your offering
  • Don't send a bunch of annoying follow-up messages
  • If they show interest, take the conversation off LinkedIn.

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

Stay tuned for more exciting guests featured on SUNDAYS & BUSINESS and their expert advice on various professions and industries.

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Have a successful week ahead!