Sunday's & Business

Business & executive coaching

July 24, 2022
minute read

Happy Sunday! welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS, this week featuring Shmuel Reichman, MA, MS Business, Executive, and Leadership Coach, Bestselling Author, and International Speaker. with 3 easy to implement tips on Business & executive coaching.

Clarify Your Purpose

The right coach does not just help you achieve your goals, they help you clarify your purpose. Developing a clear sense of purpose gives you the motivation to pursue the highest levels of success in all areas of your life. CEOs can clarify their vision as leaders, executives can excel and get that promotion, and entrepreneurs can take their vision and turn it into a successful business.

Create Concrete Goals

Once you understand your purpose, you can work with your coach to develop concrete goals that will help you achieve that purpose. Without understanding the science of goal-making, most people stagnate. To achieve a real breakthrough and finally attain your next level of success, you need to develop goals that are clear, inspiring, and attainable. Once your path is set, your coach will motivate you to succeed, hold you accountable, and cheer you on every step of the way.

Overcome Your Obstacles

Once you have a clear purpose and concrete goals, a great coach can help you understand the obstacles that may get in your way. For example: Do you have any limiting beliefs or bad habits that might sabotage your goals? Are there relationships in your life that are holding you back? What skills do you need to develop to accomplish your goals?