Sunday's & Business

Being Wrong Should Be Part of Your Journey

December 24, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS. This week features Shlomo Landau Founder and CPO at Cazamio, with three insightful points on why Being Wrong Should Be Part of Your Journey.

Being wrong is not wrong.

Finding out you are wrong is like a lost person finally locating the street sign. It's how you navigate. Being wrong, finding out about it, and correcting course will teach you more than being right in the first place.

Be wrong, often.

The sooner you discover your mistake and correct it, the sooner your next mistake and iteration can come. Being wrong a lot can make you more sophisticated and will increase the likelihood of sometimes actually being right. Ironic? Perhaps.

Find out when you’re wrong, early!

Have a great idea about a product? Test it. Early and cheaply. Invest the minimum to determine if your assumption regarding a customer or product is correct. Keeping the "Cost of being wrong" low allows you to grow continuously.

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

Stay tuned for more exciting guests featured on SUNDAYS & BUSINESS and their expert advice on various professions and industries.

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Have a successful week ahead!