Sunday's & Business

3 Key Lines On Your Financial Reports

February 25, 2024
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS. This week features Michael J. Stern Partner at Lion Star Tax | LST Consultants LLC with valuable insights on the 3 Key Lines On Your Financial Reports.

Gross Profit

This line shows your gross revenue minus your cost of goods sold. This will help you figure out your gross profit margin which is instrumental in understanding if you are pricing your products or services with too little margin.

Net Income

This line displays your net income after deducting all your fixed overhead expenses. Overhead expenses are typically fixed costs that remain stable regardless of changes in sales, making them crucial for determining your break-even point.

Accounts Receivable

Even if your net income is positive, the timing of invoice collections will be key to maintaining healthy cash flows. It's important to designate uncollectible amounts as bad debt to ensure accurate net income.

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

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Have a successful week ahead!